Flowlu.Link is a powerful micro-landing builder with unlimited templates to match the needs of your business. Gather all the information about your business, helpful links and contacts in one place.
As a tool for the Instagram link in bio, Flowlu.Link will help you convert leads into real clients. Flowlu.Link is a fully customizable solution to build your own small website, so you can add any modules: QR code menus, lists, visual content, links, feedback forms and other tools to attract leads. Flowlu.Link doesn’t require any additional skills or coding experience. With pre-made templates, you can launch your own website in a few clicks.
Flowlu.Link is not just a tool to share information, but also a good scheduling solution, so your clients can be informed of your upcoming events or meetings. Try Flowlu.Link for free on your smartphone or desktop version and build strong communication with your community, as well as streamline your lead flow
- Акции
- Собственное производство
- Хиты
- Новинки
- Животноводство
- Посадочный материал
- Парники, укрывной материал
- Сад огород
Садовый инвентарь
- Светильники садовые
- Грабли, лопаты, вилы, совки
- Лейки
- Ленты бордюрные
- Наборы инвентаря
- Опоры и колышки для растений
- Распылители, опрыскиватели
- Решетки садовые и заборные
- Секаторы, ножницы, ножи, пилы, топоры
- Сетки от птиц и шпалерная
- Тяпки, полольники, рыхлители
- Шланги и поливочный инвентарь
- Ягодосборник
- Семена
- Средства от насекомых, кровососущих и грызунов
- Хозяйственные товары