Manage your projects, finances and clients in Flowlu, a one-stop solution for SMEs. As it’s fully customizable and cloud-based, you can set up your workflow to meet the needs of your business.
Flowlu has all the CRM and project management basics. Adjust automations to any module and streamline regular processes in a few clicks. Since Flowlu is a cloud-based accounting solution, you can automatically create and send invoices at once or track the cash flow and work with multiple currencies. With a comprehensive tracking tool, you can monitor the performance of each employee or observe sales metrics. To help your team improve their performance and onboard new clients, there is a knowledge base, so you can store all the information right in Flowlu.
Try our business management solution for free with a 14-day unlimited trial on both the mobile app and the web version. Customize all the Flowlu tools, adjust unlimited integrations and start growing your business from now on.
- Акции
- Собственное производство
- Хиты
- Новинки
- Животноводство
- Посадочный материал
- Парники, укрывной материал
- Сад огород
Садовый инвентарь
- Светильники садовые
- Грабли, лопаты, вилы, совки
- Лейки
- Ленты бордюрные
- Наборы инвентаря
- Опоры и колышки для растений
- Распылители, опрыскиватели
- Решетки садовые и заборные
- Секаторы, ножницы, ножи, пилы, топоры
- Сетки от птиц и шпалерная
- Тяпки, полольники, рыхлители
- Шланги и поливочный инвентарь
- Ягодосборник
- Семена
- Средства от насекомых, кровососущих и грызунов
- Хозяйственные товары